On November 4 and 5, ChefMyself participated in the 2015 eVIA assembly, an annual event organized by eVIA, a Spanish Technology Platform for Health and Active and Independent Life.
The event related to the 2015 awards comprised an exhibition and an award ceremony. The award acknowledged innovative prototypes in the field of Information and Communication Solutions applied to Health, Accessibility and Active and Independent Life. The event took place in Madrid, Spain, and ChefMyself was one of the finalists of the Innova eVIA awards 2015, which makes the COLABORAR team happy, as the many interviews and tests with real users helped to optimize the design of the system and we enjoy seeing that this good work is recognized.
ChefMyself was presented to many people with interests in the field of technologies for health, such as representatives of other R&D units, companies and end-user organizations and got very positive feedback.
Congratulations to the ChefMyself team! Learn more about ChefMyself over here.