I think this is a very interesting process. You come and talk to people who are very old and sometimes neglected; your attitude gives us hope and joy.
José Valente
I think it is useful for the Third Age.
Adelaide Silva
It’s good to be able to collaborate in this research.
Elvira Monteiro
Do you have some free time? Do you want to help out? If so, go to Fraunhofer and test/experience solutions that will facilitate daily life.
Elisa Monteiro
I like coming here and I will do so as often as possible (so long as you call me)!
Belmiro Ferreira
I like participating and staying tuned on these research projects.
Isabel Moutinho
It is an innovative technological project for the development of technologies for older persons.
José Mário Andrade
There should be many more initiatives like this one, as they are beneficial for the Third Age. At the same time, we are helping young people on their job which, in turn, is for our own benefit.
Cecília Mendonça
I have been enjoying these experiences a lot. I always learn something regarding new technologies and I like contributing to improve the work with my experience.
Jorge Mendonça
I think that the applications created are useful for those with difficulties. And every now and then I learn a couple of things about smartphones.
Margarida Barroso
We never forget true friendship. I am happy when I go to Fraunhofer.
Edite Sequeira
A happy future to all these projects!
Carlos Costa
I have already climbed the stairs, now I am going down.
António Baptista
You bring livelihood and joy to the Centre, we get distracted and feel much better. I like collaborating with young people.
Alzira Soares
The experience was nice. I learned how to use a different and more advanced phone and I am available for the next experiment.
Adriano Ferreira
I think it’s good, all that you teach us is good. I don’t have a smartphone but I like knowing how to use it. I learned many things and I like participating.
Fernanda Pereira
It makes us think. I have learned many things about touch phones.
Américo Silva
I think it was good to better understand how cellphones work and I liked participating and collaborating.
Beatriz Liberta
It was very interesting to interact with different and nice people; I have always learned something new and I am available next time. The facilities are great and you are all beautiful.
Benvinda Castelo
I think it is good and didactic for us. I like playing, the time flies. I liked constructing words and I even took a picture of myself.
Celeste Pinto
I liked participating in the experiment, I felt useful for taking part in research.
Francelina Gomes
It was interesting to have the opportunity of participating.
José Augusto Sequeira
You are very friendly. I had fun and I want to participate more often.
Ana Costa
Anything made for our well-being is always welcome. I like these events and enjoyed participating.
Ludovina Vieira
It is with great pleasure that I participate in studies for technological innovation.
Manuel Moreira
It is extraordinary, this is the future. We can give our insights so that it goes on and it is also a good way to learn.
Olinda Marques
It is interesting and also a good hobby.
Rui Ribeiro
Now I know what a tablet or a smartphone are. I’m very enthusiastic about it and I’m always eager to learn more!
Rosa Ribeiro
It encourages us to learn (…) and we get better equipped to handle new technologies.
Águeda Carvalho
It’s a progress that you actually notice… I’ve learned many things. I think it’s important for older people.
António Leitão
…I think you took a big step forward, especially for people of our age. I recommend it… and I’ve talked about it to many people!
António Vieira
I think it’s good for our age, because there are things we need to learn. It’s beneficial to us.
Estrela Pinto
It’s interesting and I like to participate and learn about new technologies for a better future.
Fernando Costa
I enjoyed participating. I found it very useful. We always learn (…), these are new things about new technologies that we didn’t know before.
Conceição Moreira
I have already participated in a dance, in demonstrations and in TV interviews. I enjoyed it very much and I would like to keep participating!
Eugénia Coelho
I came to learn about new technologies, which I didn’t know before.
Ludovina Medeiros
You teach us. I like participating. I think it’s interesting.
Adozinda Marques
I liked collaborating and learning because new technologies are interesting. And it is never too late to learn, as long as you want it.
Odete Cardoso
I enjoy participating on Colaborar (…), I’m always available to collaborate.
Rodrigo Costa
I love going there. I’m always waiting to see when I’ll be invited again!
Maria Carmen Carvalho
I consider that the development of these studies is very fruitful for the future, as it allows moving forward and improving the quality of life.
Manuel Pinto
I like collaborating and if you need me, just call me!
Fernanda Cravo
I like these interviews, it’s good for me too and I like the way you do the interviews here.
Elizabete Azevedo
I enjoyed the activities of Colaborar. I already participated in many of them (…) and I even participated in a video for Colaborar!
Eduarda Silva