COTIDIANA and Anathema projects are conducting online surveys for research related to rheumatic diseases and sexual health, respectively. We distributed the link through the panel of participants in the network COLABORAR, including older adults and partner institutions. At institutions, the directors are facilitating the participation of older adults, by spreading the word and helping the less proficient users with the access to a computer or tablet. Online surveys are fast and cost-effective. Plus, they can be completed comfortably at home.
For the COTIDIANA project, the survey aims to explore preferences and ideas of people with rheumatic diseases for a mobile app of monitoring of symptoms and self-care related to the rheumatic condition. The aim of the survey for the Anathema project is to assess a potential service, that is currently being developed, based on a mobile app that addresses sexual health for the elderly. Directors also received a link to a questionnaire designed, so that they can provide their perspectives on the app. The information collected will influence and improve the design of the prototypes.