The last two years were exceptionally challenging. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to turn to remote research. At the time, researchers working in the ELAPSE project, funded by Fundação Gulbenkian, have just started recruiting participants and conducting an initial assessment. The project went on and researchers distributed tablets and smartphones to the partner institutions in the COLABORAR network, AICOS’ own pool of research participants.
The aim of the ELAPSE project was assessing the impact of technology in combating the social isolation of the elderly. With COVID-19 control measures imposing restrictions in visits to nursing homes, the closure of day care and living centers and the avoidance of family reunions all over the country, the role of technology acquired a stronger role. Because there were many concerns with older adults’ emotional well-being, many institutions felt the urge to actively promote video calls to ensure communication with older adults’ families. Also, to relieve some of the anxiety and having less leisure activities, older adults began to engage with the platform of games developed by AICOS and installed in the tablets. Two years revolved and older adults still use the tablets daily. They play games, search for the news at Google, and use YouTube to listen to music and view some crafts tutorials. Researchers could not be happier for providing older adults technology for free and witnessing they become proficient in their use.
The unexpected turn to a fully remote study made researchers gain important insights on conducting remote research. The study was successfully finished, and its results were presented to Fundação Gulbenkian. The technical directors of institutions that participated in the study were present at the presentation session in which all reflected about the role of technology during the pandemic.